بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يبدأ كل إنسان منا حياته وكأنه واحد من العلماء،
فتكمن في داخل كل طفل من مشاعر وأحاسيس العالم،ما تجعله يتعجب ويندهش إزاء الأشياء من حوله في الطبيعة ، وما أجمل أن يظل هذا الإحساس بالدهشة والتعجب والروعة إزاء الظواهر من حولنا، يستمر وينبض في كل مرحلة من مراحل حياة الإنسان. وهذا هو ما يجب أن تركز عليه العملية التعليمية خلال مراحل نمو الإنسان من الطفولة حتى نهاية الحياة.وفى محاولات الإنسان الأولى للحصول على الإجابات والتفسيرات كان مولد العلم، واستمرت تلك المحاولات البشرية عبر العصور وتراكمت حتى نما العلم الوليد واذا تتبعنا تاريخ الدول المتقدمه علميا نجد انها لم تتقدم سوى بشيئين اولهما الاهتمام بالعلوم وثانيهما الاهتمام بالاطفال ولذا وجب علينا ان نساير التقدم
العلمي لهذه الدول مستفيدين من تجاربهم السابقه
In the name of God the Merciful
Every man of us starts his life like one of the scientists, lies within every child of the feelings of the world, make him wonder and be surprised about the things around him in nature, It is beautiful to keep this sense of surprise and wonder and magnificence about the phenomena around us, continue to beat at every stage stages of human life. This is what should be the focus of the educational process through the stages of human development from childhood to the end of life. In attempts to man's first to get the answers and explanations was the birth of science, and continued these attemp. . If we follow the history of scientifically advanced nations, we find it did not make only two things first is an interest in science and second, attention to children and so shall we have to agree with the scientific progress of these countries taking advantage of previous experiences.
Every man of us starts his life like one of the scientists, lies within every child of the feelings of the world, make him wonder and be surprised about the things around him in nature, It is beautiful to keep this sense of surprise and wonder and magnificence about the phenomena around us, continue to beat at every stage stages of human life. This is what should be the focus of the educational process through the stages of human development from childhood to the end of life. In attempts to man's first to get the answers and explanations was the birth of science, and continued these attemp. . If we follow the history of scientifically advanced nations, we find it did not make only two things first is an interest in science and second, attention to children and so shall we have to agree with the scientific progress of these countries taking advantage of previous experiences.
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